firmware  v0.1.2
Chromation Spectrometer Dev-Kit
firmware Documentation

How to use the firmware documentation

All the useful firmware information is under Files. This browses the source code.

  • click a folder to open
    • click the file icon to view its source code
    • or click a file name (if it's a hyperlink) to view its documentation

Firmware organization

The firmware is divided into folders:

├── lib <--------- reusable code
│   ├── src
│   └── test
├── usb-bridge <--- code specific to this circuit board
│   ├── src
│   └── test
└── vis-spi-out <-- code specific to this circuit board
   ├── src
   └── test

Each folder has src (source code) and test (unit tests).

Library functions break with C convention

The first thing C programmers will notice is that the lib source code does not follow convention:

  • most functions in the lib folder are inline
  • the function bodies are in the .h files
  • the function signatures are in the .c files

This is for performance reasons.

Related dev-kit documentation

The firmware runs on the Chromation dev-kit. Documentation for the dev-kit is here:

All dev-kit hardware and firmware files are open-source and are available from the GitHub repository:

Chromation dev-kit hardware

The dev-kit has two ATmega328 microcontrollers and a spectrometer chip.

The firmware is for the Flash memory in those two microcontrollers:

  • the microcontroller on the vis-spi-out PCB handles spectrometer configuration and readout
  • the microcontroller on the usb-bridge PCB simply passes messages between the application on the host computer (e.g., a Python script) and the 5-wire SPI interface on the vis-spi-out PCB

Jump to the main() .c file for the two microcontrollers:

There is no firmware for the spectrometer chip itself, but the chip does have programmable registers.

Spectrometer chip programmable registers

The programmable registers are part of the LIS-770i, the CMOS image sensor used in the spectrometer chip. These registers initialize in an unknown state and must be written to after the spectrometer chip is powered on.

All registers are programmed at once by sending the LIS-770i a 28-bit word. The value of this 28-bit word determines:

  • pixel binning (choosing between 7.8µm and 15.6µm pitch)
  • voltage gain
  • which pixels are active

See details in Lis.h.

The dev-kit firmware writes these registers with recommended default values when the dev-kit is powered on. The recommended defaults are to turn on pixel binning, set gain to 1x, and turn on all pixels.

The microspec Python API includes command setSensorConfig() for applications to write to these registers, but most applications do not require changing these register values:

  • the recommended value for pixel binning is based on the optical design of the spectrometer
  • the recommended 1x gain is based on the dev-kit's analog front-end (i.e., the choice of ADC and ADC reference voltage) – given this design, increasing the gain reduces dynamic range without improving SNR

Serial communication and the Python API

Protocol is in a JSON file

The serial communication protocol is defined in the JSON file microspec.json:

  • The firmware follows the microspec.json serial communication protocol.
  • PyPI project microspec defines a USB interface to the dev-kit. This interface is a class that is auto-generated from microspec.json.

Develop and test

Install Python and the microspec package to develop and test the firmware:

$ pip install microspec
  • REPL
    • The Python REPL is an easy way to quickly test commands. Details are in the documentation.
  • command-line
    • The microspec package also provides a command-line utility to send commands without opening a Python REPL. This is useful when running single dev-kit commands from a text editor like Vim or Emacs that can execute shell commands.
  • system tests
    • Run to quickly check that the firmware and Python API are in complete agreement about the serial communication protocol.
    • This script runs all the serial commands and checks for the expected responses from the dev-kit.
    • The script is organized into classes, one class per serial command. Each class method tests different arguments to the serial command.

Protocol example

TODO: Add an example with the usb-bridge and vis-spi-out firmware that corresponds to one of the commands in the JSON file, and how the resulting call-and-response looks from Python.

Why so much inline

The library code started out in the conventional way:

  • functions defined in .c files
  • function signatures declared in .h files
  • functions broken into smaller functions for testability and function pointers everywhere to create seams for function faking in unit tests (redirecting the definition of the "production" code to a "stub" or "mock" version for test code)

The code was "clean" – no macros, lots of seams. And it had almost 100% test coverage.

Unfortunately, this style of programming is not compatible with producing optimal assembly instructions for the ATmega328. It results in system-breaking speed penalties.

The ATmega328 microcontroller clock is only 10MHz: 10 cycles worth of instructions takes a microsecond. At this clock speed, inefficient assembly code causes noticeable slow-downs and makes critical timing impossible, resulting in bad behavior that is sometimes obvious and sometimes subtle.

The avr-gcc compiler was generating inefficient assembly code for three reasons:

  1. lots of call overhead because one function was broken into several functions for readability and unit-testability and an extra layer of indirection from function pointers that create the seams for unit-testability
  2. slow instructions used instead of faster instructions because register addresses are unknown at compile time because code was spread across multiple compilation units for reusability and unit-testability
  3. ISR overhead: too much time spent saving and restoring state on every interrupt because the ISR had too much code

The last item is "easy" to fix: modify the ISR code, count cycles in the generated assembly, repeat until the time consumed by the ISR is acceptable.

But the first two items are not easy to fix. One approach is to take the carefully segregated code base and mush it back together:

  • put all the code in one C file
  • eliminate all the function pointers
  • throw away most of the unit tests

Compared with that, a small break with convention is OK.

To use the fast instructions, the compiler must know register addresses at compile-time. Object files generated without these values are forced to use the much slower, generic load and store instructions.

How do I know what instructions should be used? I manually look up the address of the register and figure it out. I also wrote some shortcuts to cut and paste disassembly into the code.

That explains why the code is full of comments like this:

ClearBit(UartSpi_port, UartSpi_AdcConv);
// ---Expected Assembly---
// cbi 0x0b, 2 ; 11

In more complicated cases, there are several lines of assembly.

Pasting the disassembly into the code helped me check that the compiler was still using the right instructions after a code change. This is how I determined the correct steps to make inline actually inline the code.

Conventional C yields inefficient assembly

The simplest example is the bit manipulation functions discussed below. The same reasoning applies to all the library code.

The ReadWriteBits library defines bit manipulation functions (for readability and testability). In the conventional approach, this source file is compiled without knowing the register addresses that client code will pass to its functions. But the register address determines which instructions are allowed! Without knowing the address, the compiler has to use the most generic instruction.

The bit manipulation function might be passed an I/O register in the range 0x00 - 0x1F. These registers allow fast instructions like sbi, cbi, etc.

Or the bit manipulation function might be called on an I/O register in the range 0x20 - 0x3F. In this range the bit manipulation has to be done with entire bytes using instructions in and out.

Or the bit manipulation might be performed on dataspace, 0x40 - 0x5F, or extended I/O space, 0x60 - 0xFF in SRAM, in which case instructions like ld and st are used.

Again, the compiler does not know what register address the function is called with, so it has to use the generic ld and st instructions. The result is that calls to the bit manipulation library take a massive speed penalty.

Inlining yields efficient assembly

To avoid this, the inline copies the bit manipulation source code into all the places it is called.

Now the code is part of the compilation unit that has the register addresses and the compiler knows if it can use the faster instructions. In addition to using faster instructions, the function call overhead is eliminated. And the code still retains its readability and reusability.

In order for the compiler to inline, the function body must be visible in the compilation unit, therefore the function body goes in the header.

The result is a glaring break with C convention. Most (all?) of the library functions are defined in .h files, with the function signatures declared in the .c file.


The only practical drawback to this approach is that it is incompatible with using function pointers to replace functions with fakes for unit tests.

Instead of function pointers, the code gets marked up with test macros to handle the function faking. This comes up when:

  • I want to write a unit test for a function
  • but the function calls other functions that interact with hardware

In this scenario, the definition for the function-under-test gets bracketed with #ifdef USE_FAKES statements to #define and #undef the fakes like this:

#ifdef USE_FAKES
#define LisExpose LisExpose_fake
#define LisReadout LisReadout_fake
uint16_t AutoExpose(void)
#ifdef USE_FAKES
#undef LisExpose
#undef LisReadout
uint16_t AutoExpose(void)
Definition: VisCmd.c:81