firmware  v0.1.2
Chromation Spectrometer Dev-Kit
Go to the documentation of this file.
61 #ifndef _USB_HARDWARE_H
62 #define _USB_HARDWARE_H
63 #include <stdint.h>
64 #include <avr/io.h> // includes iom328p.h for hardware i/o values
65 #include "Usb.h"
66 // ---Registers---
67 // control lines
68 usb_reg FtCtrl_ddr = &DDRC;
69 usb_reg FtCtrl_port = &PORTC;
70 usb_reg FtCtrl_pin = &PINC;
71 // bi-directional data lines (driven by both master and slave)
72 usb_reg FtData_pin = &PIND;
73 usb_reg FtData_ddr = &DDRD;
74 usb_reg FtData_port = &PORTD;
75 // ---Pins---
76 // control lines
77 usb_pin FtMiso = PC2; // input: !RxbufferEmpty signal
78 usb_pin FtChipSelect = PC0; // output: activate interface
79 usb_pin FtClock = PC1; // output: clock edges signal drive/sample data on bus
80 // bi-directional data lines (driven by both master and slave)
81 usb_pin FtMiosio0 = PD0; // data bus bit 0
82 #endif // _USB_HARDWARE_H
usb-bridge communicates over USB via FTDI USB Bridge IC FT221X